
The ‘Heirs to the throne’ podcast series: a royal treat for your ears!


We have all been there: you are keen to find out more about the fascinating experiences of a nineteenth-century royal heir, about what shaped his or her life and how he or she made a difference to their world, but the time is not right for reading.

Maybe you are out jogging, pottering round the kitchen to prepare a delicious meal or soaking in a nice hot bath. How often have we sighed: “Why can’t someone tell me a great story? Where is the kindly soul who would make me feel delighted and informed?”

Finally, our prayers have been answered. The Heirs-to-the-Throne Team are proud to announce the start of our podcast series: a selection of the finest “Heir-of-the Month” essays will now be made available as mini-lectures.

A right royal treat for your ears is now only a mouse-click away!

This week: Listen to how on 1 April 1832, Prince Royal Ferdinand Philippe d’Orleans visited the cholera patients at the hospital of the Hôtel de Dieu, accompanied by the president of the council Casimir Pierre Perier, written and read by Heidi Mehrkens (wav-file, 10:22 min).

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