Richard Meyer Forsting

Richard Meyer Forsting

Richard graduated with an M.A. (Hons) in Economics and Modern History from the University of St Andrews in June 2012. In his Senior Honours Year he focused on issues surrounding the personality, politics and legacy of Otto von Bismarck. He studied for an MSc in Social and Economic History at the University of Oxford with a focus on 19th century Spanish history. His doctoral research within the “Heirs to the Throne” project now centres on the role of the Spanish monarchy in nineteenth-century political culture:

Monarchy and Army in 19th century Spain: The Role of Heirs to the Throne

“My research project will be concerned with the relationship and dynamics between the monarchy and army in 19th century Spain.  In particular I will be investigating the mutual attitudes and actions between leading military men and the heirs to the throne. As the form of the future Spanish state was contested it was essential for such a politicised institution as the Spanish army to define its position toward the heir. The reaction of the army to and the attitudes it developed toward the heir preceding the accession was vital in determining the stability, longevity and even the popularity of the monarchy.”

Email: rcforsting[at]